Colcannon (pronounced kaal-cannon) is a traditional Irish dish mainly consisting of mashed potatoes, kale or cabbage.
With kale being in season and all the rage with culinarians everywhere, this is a great way of serving it up without all the fuss. Colcannon like many old world foods has many regional variations ranging from the addition of bacon, ham hocks and substituting green onions with leeks.
This recipe is the 'no frills' authentic version however I do deviate from the traditional by choosing to not boil the cabbage (which I think does it no good) but rather sautéing the it in a bit of butter to a wilt, sautéing the green onions with and then adding hot boiled potatoes for the mashing.
The one thing that is indisputable is the copious amounts of butter that is required to make these fluffy mashed potatoes a delight. In fact the traditional way it is served is hot, with a crater in the middle filled with hot melted butter.
I don't know about you but I think that everything is better with buttah and these leafy filled mashed potatoes are no exception!